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Hiveswap Friendsim - Volume Ten Key Serial Number

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Content Back at it again at Hiveswap Friendsim—here, at the auspicious tenth volume. Wow. Ten whole volumes. That’s over TWENTY WHOLE FRIENDS! You can feel the sparkle of your success stories billowing in your wake, leaving a trail of stardust wherever you go. Seems like this might be a good time to sit back, relax, coast a little bit. After all, you’re so very good at this. But you know what they say. Pride cometh before a fall. And boy, do you know all about falls. Literal and figurative. Good thing you are a charmingly invulnerable video game character and not an actual person. Speaking of actual people—wow. Look at these two huge nerds. You seriously can’t wait to get all up in their business. Allow us to pave the way.---You just crash-landed on Alternia, and you’re DESPERATE for friendship! Anyone will do...wait, who are those two trolls approaching you?The Hiveswap Friendsim is a quick, loosely-canonical visual novel adventure following the efforts of the unnamed protagonist (that’s you!) to survive and maybe even thrive on the harsh surface of ALTERNIA. Set in the time of Hiveswap: Act 1, this episodic visual novel’s opening volume, written by Homestuck creator Andrew Hussie, is sure to satisfy Homestuck and Hiveswap fans who are eager for a darker stroll across the Alternian landscape. Future episodes will arrive regularly as DLC. a09c17d780 Title: Hiveswap Friendsim - Volume TenGenre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, SimulationDeveloper:What Pumpkin Games, Inc.Publisher:What Pumpkin Games, Inc.Release Date: 17 Aug, 2018 Hiveswap Friendsim - Volume Ten Key Serial Number hiveswap friendsim volume 10. hiveswap friendsim volume 1-10 i cant believe sugoi quest for kokoro is illegalAlso we're "sorta moirails" with Polypa! :D Zebede is also very precious and the Cirava cameo was v good too!. You're \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing dead kiddo. More amazing friends a beekeeper and another nerd, I guess technically both of them can count as nerds?Beware of potentional spoilers ahead;So friend number twenty the intro even makes a note of it, Zebede and we don't even have to find this one! zZz_BUZZZING_zZz on Chittr and Grype a new app which is pretty much just Skype but it looks better. Zebede is pretty much MC in terms of both friendliness and want for friends, it's weirding them out. I don't acctually remember which option leads to the bad end it's been so long. Ah, don't ask where he lives, acquaintanceship limbo doesn't sound fun. It must be so sureal to be so into friendship on Alternia of all places and then turn around and have someone else find you who's just as into it. Recount 3 friends who maybe can't help you (we'll never know) and immediately turn to crime Konyyl style, excep not really because instead of having to punch off a lock someone just left a scutlebuggy unlocked, convinient. Equally convinient that the cars run on autopilot. Zebedes hive is cute, lots of bee themed stuff everywhere. Also both him and Skylla has a lot of handmade stuff. And, oh, hey second choice answer Cirava or not? Might as well take it since Zebede left to get stuff. ciravaSTREAMS4SWEEPS wonder if that's their buisness Grype or just the only one they have? Apparently we only have 2 Chittr followers at this point, so that would be Zebede and possibly Cirava since they helped set that up? Oh yeah the clothes that Cirava let us borrow, I think I mentioned it before but I have a sneaky suspision Tagora may have burnt them. A look between shock, worry and wry amusement doesn't sound good. Zebede writes erotic fanfiction about "real" people, like in Ciravas route this might be why they called their fans freaks. Anyway this makes Zebede sad which pisses of the bees and ends the route.Let's just talk with Cirava later. Let's just fill out the Chittr handle we've done nothing with all this time. "Alien invasion of one. Just here, I guess." That trip to clown church was certainly inspiring. Instantly more followers since Cirava re-chirps(?) the intro chirp, sweet. And Zebede's back with snacks. Pretty sure counting Sollux we're 50\/50 on goldbloods being indecisive. I'm with the text, not being the one so desperate about friendship is weird. It doesn't get mentioned but hatched2dance (h2d) is the band Vikare had posters of. A long internal monologue later, the guy we stole the car from shows up. I wonder how common stealing buggys are on Alternia since even Zebede knows that you should take out the GPS chip, which is apparently a thing. So after trying to do the right thing and face our fate for stealing the car we learn about Zebedes power to sometimes control the bees as he chases the guy off. Guess we have a scuttlebuggy now on top Zebede as our friend! Twentyfirst friend Tegeri and the weird Jojo refernece on the pick screen. Teal neighborhood with the looming threat of sunrise on the horizon. And lucky for MC Tegeri approches them. Of course trolls have a cull-on-sight species list. "Hey join my club!" Sure seems harmless enough as long as you don't know a Monika, that being a valid troll name is scary as hell. There's a condition though, subs or dubs? Either of these will lead to the same outcome with a little bit of diffrent dialog or you can pick the thrid choice option of being indecisive. If you're indecisive you break the fourth wall and get to learn about the scroll up to go back feature. Tegeri tells you there're other anime "fans" in the city but other than that we're just stuck in a bad end. Oh well, Tegeri is a dubs fan but he'll let you in for the intullectual sparring if you favor subs. Also philosofighters are a thing. Outside of the hive entirely normal, inside all japanese architecture. This bg is like a game of "Where's Waldo?" but Waldo is all the anime merchandise Tegeri has. And we definetely have no shoes on at this point. Collectibles aside there's a lusus here. Tadashi Inu pictured in all his Shiba Inu\/monkey glory lookit this good boy! And he's Tegeri's sensei, guess that's why his troll card used to say he chases purrbeasts around the block. There's lots of good troll versions of human anime mentioned but to save space that's all on the wiki, there was only one of these that I couldn't figure out myself while reading the first time and to be fair I haven't watched that anime. And turns out there's a mixup with the first dvd Tegeri put on and now we have to go and fix it. At least we get to learn that not all shops are atuomated and this speciality one is run by a living troll. Rebel activity, learning more about Tegeri. For all that he sounds a bit like a vigilante he's entirely on the side of the law, Alternia law. A night market like the one we met Polypa at neat. And the owner of the store is presumably named Topato he's a goldblood with pinkish eyes. You can play more Waldo in this bg is aswell it's very fun. Trouble at the counter and we trip up an oliveblood so they drop a bunch of illegal manga of off-spectrum trolls. One that sounds suspisiously like the Signless. Tegeri can cite of entire legal paragraphs at a moments notice, wonder if that's just him or something all teals have to learn? Also he wears purple sharingan contacts, we hear about it later along with information about troll eyes. He's been walking around with his eyes closed this entire time. Another choice. Tegeri isn't that good with a sword and the shopkeeper can use psionics they only used it for a flashbomb, but now we have the chance to see another teal talking with drones with no bad repercussions. Of course MC follows and is immediately more intresting than Tegeri. It's sweet that Tegeri tries to defend us but we apparently have a rap sheet for; meat product theft, heist of fine art (which shouldn't have acctually happened unless Remele ropped us into something after her route and we never heard of it?) and acomplice to the assassination of a violetblood. Yikes. Let's try again. Try and defend the shopkeeper, it works after you tell Tegeri the shop will close down if he kills the guy. At least Tegeri gets the right dvd and we get some new legal information that's not surprising. And we get a sweet story from over a sweep ago and.. It's the other side of Polypa's story I love how even MC knows he probably couldn't kill her. Kinda sucks to learn that if you're under a certain age with no lusus or hive you're dead. We get some more of him talking and then we're back at his hive and yes POLYPA! Being teased by Tadashi who isn't letting her in. I love how Polypa takes extra care to be extremly clear on what she wants us to do to not blow her cover of making mecha models and not assassinating. And here we have it the line "kinda * moirails *|" I said it in her route but I don't think they're acctual moirails (especially because MC didn't even get to know about that until just now) it's a convenient lie for any social faux pass that may happen because Polypa needs to stop MC quickly or MC does something pale on accident. Of course this upsets Tegeri for a moment he seems to have pale crush on her. Some off the best exchanges ever and then it's anime time with two of your friends and an awesome doggo to pet!Another two great routes! I really love this game <3. Both are adorable dorks. I like the anime guy more, and he has himself in a fine mess between his duty and heart. Ok volume.. one of the best, but omg that anime boy.. 10\/10 Joined Anime Club, also the return of bestgirl Polypa.. Beekeeper girl's replacement is cute. And Tegiri is even more anime than anyone could ever anticipate. Overall fun stories though!. This was fun!

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